Welcome to "What's Brewing?", the termly magazine that covers the latest at Alton Maltings and Harvest Church. We hope you enjoy it, including the pull-out/printable calendar.
We expect to add additional features over the next few editions but would really appreciate any suggestions or feedback to whatsbrewing@harvestchurch.uk
Harvest Church is a ministry of the Grain House Trust, part of the Commission family of churches (which is part of Newfrontiers) and the Evangelical Alliance.
The Grain House Trust is registered as a company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No: 4626536.
Registered Address: Alton Maltings Centre, Maltings Close, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 1DT.
Registered Charity No: 1096632
Join a series of conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly envitonment.
Starting - Wednesday 15th January 2025 - 7pm
at Alton Maltings. (with a free meal)
If you're interested in joining us contact altonplusalpha@gmail.com
Can't wait to see you there!